


  • 因球衣訂做為個人化產品,有可能會出現尺寸落差,若於+/-5%落差內皆屬正常範圍。
  • 因各類產品款式剪裁不同導致各人衣著感不同,歡迎親臨本公司門市試穿。
  • 請勿以螢幕顯示顔色或任何印刷品顔色作準,該視覺顔色可能會與實際成品產生不同色差。
  • 熱昇華過程中,墨水滲透和轉化率可能會因天氣溫度和濕度而有輕微變化導致細微色差。
  • 如客戶回頭訂製同款產品,新製成品和舊有產品在顔色上有可能會出現極細微色差。
  • 客製商品除瑕疵外無法退換貨,請務必於設計完稿後確實檢查。
  • 包含所有色彩、剪裁、設計等MTsportswear提供之個人化產品,在取得客戶確認及同意後,皆以本公司生產成品為準,如有任何異議,本公司保留最終決定權。



  • 凡經本公司(MTsportswear)設計之運動服及其LOGO(標誌),本公司(MTsportswear)皆保有完全著作權,消費者並無享有修改使用權。如需於其他產品印刷使用,需另外購買版權及獲得本公司(MTsportswear)書面授權。
  • 若有侵權違法之行為,本公司(MTsportswear)保有法律追訴權。



  • 本公司只負責服裝生產部份,所有設計圖像,商標,字體等,均由客戶所提供。顧客請自行確保擁有其版權或使用權方可使用。顧客對本公司提供圖像的同時,也代表授權於本公司用此作生產用途,所有關附版權及知識權侵犯的事項,本公司一律不負責。
  • 如本公司因閣下提供的任何文件,圖像或電子檔案而牽涉法律責任導致任何損失,本公司定必向文件,圖像或電子檔案提供者以民事訴訟追討一切責任及賠償損失等。

Customized statement for each series


Because the jersey is a customized product, there may be a size difference. If the difference is within +/-5%, it is within the normal range.
Due to the different styles and cuts of various products, everyone’s sense of clothing is different. You are welcome to visit our stores to try them on.
Please do not rely on the color displayed on the screen or the color of any printed product. The visual color may differ from the actual finished product.
During the sublimation process, the ink penetration and conversion rate may vary slightly due to weather temperature and humidity, resulting in slight color differences.
If a customer orders the same product again, there may be slight color differences between the new product and the old product.
Customized products cannot be returned or exchanged except for defects. Please be sure to check the design after it is completed.
Including all colors, cuts, designs, etc. of personalized products provided by MTsportswear, after obtaining customer confirmation and consent, the finished products produced by our company shall prevail. If there are any objections, our company reserves the right to make the final decision.


Copyright and LOGO (mark) specifications

For all sportswear and LOGOs designed by our company (MTsportswear), our company (MTsportswear) retains full copyright, and consumers do not have the right to modify or use them. If you want to use it for printing on other products, you need to purchase the copyright separately and obtain written authorization from our company (MTsportswear).
If there is any infringement or illegal behavior, our company (MTsportswear) retains the right of legal recourse.


Copyright and Disclaimer


Our company is only responsible for the clothing production part. All design images, trademarks, fonts, etc. are provided by customers. Customers should ensure that they own the copyright or usage rights before using it. When customers provide images to our company, they also authorize our company to use them for production purposes. Our company will not be responsible for any infringement of copyright and intellectual property rights.
If our company is involved in legal liability and causes any losses due to any documents, images or electronic files provided by you, our company will definitely pursue all liabilities and compensate for losses in civil lawsuits from the providers of the documents, images or electronic files.